Getting into the area one can turn left or right. To the right there is a straight path of soft soil that is always wet, due to the water running down from the slope next to it.

I wouldn’t get in there if you can see some water flowing anywhere around. There wasn’t that day, sun shined during the last days, and I still got stuck as shown in the picture below. I managed to get out after several attempts of laying the motorcycle on its side to get the wheels out of the holes, and filling these with stones, branches and soil.

On the left side there are some gravel paths, steep slopes, pits, holes and climbable rocks. The area looks great for agile trial or motocross bikes, but I better stick to the paths in my old heavy rally machine.

Like I said, not worth of a trip by itself but nice to visit when nearby.
Have an exciting and safe 2017, by the way! I’m counting the days to get Vacaburra back, sometime in April.