It had been raining heavily the day before, so the soil was soft and muddy even though it looked dry. Thanks to proper tires and my growing experience I drove more confident than ever, beginning to accelerate in curves, controlling some occasional slides. I didn’t fall a single time. The bike doesn’t feel so heavy after driving it fully loaded in Iceland. It was my best day in Finland.
The “U” formed by Mukulamäentie and Suurniityntie is really a great area for off-road motorcycling. These roads are nice forest paths with some gravel and good views. I took another picture of the spot with rocks covered with moss, that you can see below.

The best part of this area is not Mukulamäentie and Suurniityntie, but the multiple semi-abandoned paths that start from them and are not in Google Maps. Check out the screenshot of Geo Tracker below.

For example, the picture below was taken in this location and shows a path with grown vegetation including branches, which was also muddy and slippery in some parts.

The best path was actually the one that starts in this location. It was covered with vegetation, sometimes slippery and so uneven I even hit the ground with my skid plate. It was long and I could have continued further; but I turned around because I was going deep in the forest and I got worried of getting stuck. Unfortunately I was so excited and concentrated with the driving that I forgot to take a picture of the best part, but here is the beginning:

I went through Iso-Kairintie again. It’s really a great curly road to push the limits with some controlled sliding. This time the vegetation was so grown that I could hardly see the lake.
As mentioned, I think this was a perfect ending for the season. I will soon store my bike and hopefully I will have the time to start telling you about Iceland before I forget too many details.