I first took the E12/1301 which I left it to take the 132 to Klaukkala, and there Lepsämäntie passing Jyrkänpelto to reach Palsintie. A highway and main roads to leave the city behind.
I finally left the asphalt taking Pasintie and Palsinkorventie west, Pirunkorventie south and north again, Laurintie west, and then Koskelantie, Leppäarontie and Kössintie north-east. A residential area of main dirt roads where I crossed pedestrians and horses. An area to avoid. Now that I check Google Earth, further south there is a forest area worth checking.

I went a bit of Selintie west to take Peltolantie and Helkuntie north. Same kind of dirt roads with many houses. There is a very old farm construction in this location.

I took the 1322 west, which I soon left to take Seisakkeentie north-west and Konnuntie and Vihantolantie west. Dirt roads as before, but more lonely areas. I like rail crossings, I see something old and romantic in them, or maybe a reminder of my childhood toy trains.

I continued west through Haimoon Myllytie, Haimontie and Kirveläntie to Herrakunta. The first one is challenging due to the loose gravel, Haimontie is a bad asphalt road and Kirveläntie the usual dirt road.

I changed direction north-east through Herrakunnantie and north-west through Moksintie to reach Kantolantie. Both asphalt roads, but Herrakunnantie is curly and hilly and I wasn’t the only biker enjoying it.

I was getting bored and frustrated about my trip. The most interesting road was actually Herrakunnantie. But then, everything changed.
Roughly, I took Kantolantie north, then Lustikullantie north, Rintelänkuja east to Hiiskula, Haaviskoppelintie north, came back south to take another track west to cross Lempolamminoja and reach road 133. I say roughly because I found and explored a network of forest tracks which is not totally mapped by Google.
I found many kinds of surfaces and sights, like the stones and rocks of the picture below taken in this location.

There were moss and trees, like in the picture below taken in this location.

There were leafs and bushes, like the picture below taken in this location.

And they were all curly and hilly tracks with amazing views. I only crossed a few parked cars of people picking something from the forest.
Next, I took Rönnintie and Kaislarannantie north, detouring to some tracks at the east to get close to Ylimmälinen and Hiukkalammi lakes. Rönnintie and Kaislarannantie were main dirt roads, the ones at the east were a bit more challenging. But this area was not as good as what I just visited south of the 133.

I took a nice picture of Hiukkalammi lake.

I still continued further north. I took Karrintie, but before reaching Keihäsjärvi, I explored some tracks to the west that are not mapped by Google. The beginning of Karrintie ir a residential area, but further north and the west tracks are really nice and challenging.

A big rock is sitting in this location.

The area was so good as the one south of road 133, so I explored more of it. I went back east and took Leppäojantie and Mäntymäenpolku south. Then I turned around and went north through Raunintausta, Jokisuuntie and Niinimäentie until the 132 road. Again, curly forest tracks.

I passed a pond with some nice mökkis.

It had been a long day with plenty of fun and excitement, so as I reached road 132 I decided to take it and the E12 motorway back home.
To recap, the areas south-west of Niemenjärvi and around Keihäsjärvi are the best for off-road motorcycling I have found so far. I will visit them again.