I took the E12 north to Hyvinkää and then 1361 west. The first gravel roads that I tried were the beginnig of Jauholammintie and Piilolammintie. They are the typical hard-soil and gravel roads, in this case narrow and with poor curve visibility due to the vegetation. Not worthy.

I continued west in the 1361 and tried Kenkiäntie. Without pretending it, I was again in the road where I had the fall. I have come to hate these roads of gravel over hard soil, it’s like going over marbles. Treacherous and not fun.

I went west in Hirvijärventie. Until Rantala it is paved and with many houses by the road, then it’s again a gravel road and still many houses.

I went up and down Pitkäjärventie. This a more interesting forest track with some stones and grass, only too short.

I took Hirsmäentie and Nyynäistentie north until road 54. They didn’t have so many houses as Hirvijärventie but they were the same kind of roads.

I took 54 west (which is an asphalt road) and then Kaakkomäentie and Ourajoentie north. Same again, hard soil, gravel, few houses.

I went back to 54 and tried Kalamajantie south and Niitymäentie north. (You can go all this way despite not being connected in Google Maps). Same thing as before, except for this part which is a forest track similar to Pitkäjärventie. I took the picture below in this location.

There are some hunting posts that I used to place my camera and take videos of myself passing by. In this location the forest was covered with moss and I could take the nice picture below.

I continued south on Hirsijärventie and then north-west on Eräläntie. Hard gravel roads again, with some nice views of forests and lakes.

I took Takalammentie east and the track that goes to Kurtlammi lake. Takalammentie is still hard soil, but the other is a short forest track with stones and grass similar to Pitkäjärventie, as you can see in the picture below.

South of Takalammentie there is another nice short track that doesn’t exist in Google Maps. In this location I took a picture of it that you can see below.

I decided to call it a day so I took roads 2832, 132 and E12 back to Helsinki. I must say that, if you like asphalt, 2832 is a nice slightly curvy and hilly road with good pavement and little traffic.
So, not a good area for off-road driving. The few nice tracks were too short. At least, I know where not to waste my time again. The season is coming to an end, so next time I will probably repeat Ylimmäinen or Kalkkivuori.